Boris Jeremić

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of California
Davis, California, U.S.A.

Other affiliations

Email: jeremic @ ucdavis . edu
Phone: +1-530-754-9248
Office: 3147 Ghausi Hall, UC Davis


Lecture Notes: Nonlinear Finite Elements: Modeling and Simulation of Earthquakes, Soils, Structures and their Interaction

  • Winter 2025: ENG35, Statics
  • Spring 2025: ECI212B, Nonlinear Finite Element Methods
  • Spring 2025: ENG104, Mechanics of Materials

  • Research

    Static and dynamic, deterministic and probabilistic analysis of elastic and inelastic solids and structures.

    Current work is on a number of theoretical, computational and practical application topics, related to development of the Finite Element Interpreter (FEI).

    Real-ESSI Simulator is one prominent FEI application (alternative URLs: ;, that is developed and used to analyze:

    Focus is on the development and use of analysis methods that reduce Kolmogorov complexity and modeling uncertainty, that is, methods that predict and inform.

    In other words, we like to model all components of a real, 3D soil-structure system, (rock, soil, structure, fluids...) for all important 3D static and dynamic loads (construction loads, service loads, hazard loads, earthquakes...), with appropriate level of sophistication. Sustainable infrastructure, soil-structure systems that are efficiently designed and whose performance is properly assessed, will perform, operate in a safe and economical way. Numerical analysis tools that we develop are used to design, construct and maintain sustainable infrastructure. This applies to buildings, bridges, dams, power plants, tunnels, roadways...

    Recent publications (pdf, html) and presentations (pdf, html) are available.

    Bibliography collected over years on different subjects: Computational Mechanics, Computer Sciences, Education.
    Books in my office library.

    Graduate Recruiting and Visitors:

    We are actively recruiting students to work on further development and use of the Real-ESSI Simulator System.
    Long term funding for students is available through a number of funded projects.
    PhD level students are preferred, however MS students are also considered if they plan to follow their MS with a PhD.
    It would be very beneficial if potential students have a good knowledge and a strong interest in two or more of the following areas: A very important attribute of a potential student is a strong willingness and capability to master some of the above topics. Of course, we will provide significant help, guidance and expertise in that endeavor. Interested students are invited to do two things: Correspondence regarding admissions, ranking questions, etc. should be directed to our Graduate Program Coordinator, Dr. Lauren Worrell (
    Short or long term visits by researchers, students and post-doctoral fellows are only considered based on recommendations by our collaborators and colleagues.


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